About 10 years ago I randomly decided to watch this documentary, Valley Uprising. It was about the history and culture that resulted from being wild enough to climb up the biggest face of granite in the entire world. The next weekend I watched it again. Then again a month later. I was hooked on the idea of climbing.
Later that year, Anne’s friend Rachel and her boyfriend Hunter were moving to Richmond. Knowing I was interested in climbing, and Hunter also, the two of them set up a play date for us to become friends: the climbing gym. Flash forward to today: quitting my job to go travel and climb, plus Hunter including me as a groomsman in their wedding — I think Anne and Rachels plan worked too well 😂
Despite this origin story, the documentary made me (naively) have no desire to go to Yosemite. Compared to the glory days, today’s crowds, commercialization, and logistical challenges made me not want to pursue it as a destination. When Cadence asked if I wanted to go, I was a little hesitant. But the waterfalls were apparently popping off, and the roads were un-seasonably open, all signs pointed to it being a good idea. On brand for this trip, my assumptions were invalidated and we headed to Yosemite!
Cadence had the brilliant idea to bring bikes. Best idea possible. Mariposa Grove was normally closed for the season. So no crowds, and more importantly, no rangers. We could bike wherever we wanted, hop whatever fences, basically have unrestricted access to what normally is a closed experience. More practically, we got to bike up the 2 mile stretch of road that everyone else was walking (no shuttles were running).

From here, there isn’t much more to say. Pictures nor words do it justice — the surreal experience of weaving through giant redwoods on two wheels. Walking right up to the biggest freaking trees I’ve ever seen in my life. Posing for pictures and being goofy with friends. The sun setting magically behind us. Once again, the timing of everything leading to questions of divine intervention.

As we drove further into the valley that night, the sunset was stunning. We were so stoked to arrive at our hotel on the valley floor. It was much nicer than expected, and a great omen of what was to come!

Check the Google Photos album for all the pics. I also attempted to stitch the videos together from the day (the scene at 1:00 is cemented into my head.) I like taking videos WAY more than actually editing them or doing something with them. Which is kind of a bummer, but maybe that will change.
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