Sioux City was my original idea for somewhere to stay the night after leaving Keokuk. With another late start and not wanting to drive much after dark, I ended up in Algona, Iowa, near the shrine. The pictures online of Sioux City looked pretty crazy so I figured I’d check it out anyway!
After a bit of a drive through downtown after exiting the highway — already feeling like I was dilly-dallying through this leg of the journey — I questioned if I should just get back on the highway. But then, from out of nowhere, the concrete jungle yielded to a seemingly endless spread of red rock and frozen falls. I was going to just do it safari style and cruise by, but couldn’t help myself from parking and exploring.

The rock formations made for perfect stairs! As I penguin-stepped around, trying not to slip, I tried to imagine this place in the summer. Probably filled with people, but what an incredible spot. Always thinking Richmond is unique for having a river park in the middle of downtown, this is something I’ve never seen before. The falls are so close to the surrounding city that you don’t feel like you’re in nature. There was a freaking meat packing plant across the street! Combined with the smooth polishing on the rocks from years of erosion, it felt manufactured.
Once again there was some secret area that I had to convince myself not to further investigate. Seemed to be owned by the Telephone Pioneers of America (wtf is that) and also my birthday is on there? Unfortunately, I don’t have time for more mysteries so I brush this one off. Before heading back to the car, I stumbled across this ice column from the bridge drip. Pretty wild!

Well — not much more to say about this spot. I did take a ton of pictures though!(relative to transcribable thoughts)
Exiting Iowa (thank god), I continue on to South Dakota!
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