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I did not expect there to be much climbing at all in Southeast Minnesota. To be honest, I expected it to be mostly flat farmlands. After telling Beverly (Airbnb Host) that I’m on a climbing trip, she immediately had ideas on where I should go to check out some rocks. Communicating my surprise there is even one place near by, she told me we are located in “The Driftless Area” and pointed me to a short documentary about it.
The Driftless Area is a small area of the Midwest which was not impacted by glacial erosion. While all of the surrounding area is mostly flat, the Driftless Area has countless bluffs, rolling hills, and unique geological features that you won’t find elsewhere. This also makes it a fossil hotspot, and is one of the most fossilized regions of the country.
Masonic Park is located in Spring Valley, just 10 minutes away from where I’m staying. It was used as a Native American summer gathering spot, where neighboring groups would convene to celebrate and trade. It’s a shockingly beautiful rock wall, enhanced by crisscrossing streams at the base. There even is a cave you can climb into — who doesn’t like a cave??

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