Been a while since I’ve had time to make any posts! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind trying to get this drive over with, while also seeing the sights. I had to use my photos to orient everything in my head!
Since leaving Keokuk 3 days ago, I:
- Drove to Algona, Iowa. Stayed in a really shitty motel
- Went to the largest man made grotto in the world (and collection of gems and crystals in the world)
- Stopped in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Pretty cool.
- Stayed in Mitchell, South Dakota at a much better motel than in Algona.
- (Iowa is equally as cursed as Indiana btw I’m glad to be out of there)
- Stopped at the (worlds only) Corn Palace
- Stopped at the South Dakota Hall of Fame
- Went to the Badlands National Park
- Did not plan this at all and was absolutely incredible.
- Stayed in a really nice motel
- Checked out Deadwood, South Dakota (famous outlaw town)
- Finally, stopping for a day of rest in Lead (pronounced leed) South Dakota, where I write this now.
- Lucked out on a perfect AirBnb. It was just a room in a house, but with no other rooms booked I have the place to myself. For $60 a night, walking distance to everything, and incredible view. Plus full kitchen
Look out for dedicated posts on the above.

After staying in a couple questionable motels, and tired of the constant slog of trying to make food without a kitchen (it’s easier camping tbh) I finally splurged on a really nice motel / cabin with a kitchen. Thank you points (from family Christmas rental 😂)

I’ve come to realize how similar long drives and hiking are, if you take away the exercise part. But think about it:
- The first bit sucks, and the last bit sucks. “30 minutes there” after 6 hours feels like FOREVER. Same deal as being 1 mile from the car after 6.
- The good part is that meditative state you tap into during the middle. Almost like time doesn’t exist, hours turn into minutes. Thoughts drifting aimlessly but often with deep insight.
- Adjusting your seat == adjusting your pack — proceed cautiously!! Sometimes I feel like I’m solving a damn Rubix cube trying to get my seat in the right spot.
- While the journey takes up most of the time, it’s more a means to an ends. The visual gems being sprinkled throughout. Side quests can never be planned. You gotta do the journey to get the good parts that come with it.

South Dakota was similar to driving through Colorado — SUPER boring then all of a sudden gets really epic looking. After 200 miles of flat, you find yourself going steep downhill and then a massive river with mountains on the other side. This is where the South Dakota Hall of Fame was, understandably.

To keep riffing off my last post a bit — I’ve been forcing myself to not book a place to sleep until I’m ready to go there. This is a switch up. Up until this week, I’d try to scope out a spot in advance, often times looking at a really large area (challenging). It’s been consistently better than pre-deciding where to end up. I can make last minute changes, stay longer somewhere cool, say fuck it and stop driving after 4 hours, etc It’s been really awesome, and leading to much better situations.
For example, since Keokuk I had Deadwood set as a place to stay, but resisted booking anything till I got there. That lead to me getting this incredible AirBnb in Lead (lol), which I never would have found by searching all the way back in Keokuk.

Last thought on this ramble of an update: but it’s been really interesting to notice a theme of simultaneous failure and success. An obvious example is “failing to do any climbing” yet having this adventure through one of the most beautiful places I’ve been to. Another example is I got a horrible stomach bug after getting into Deadwood/Lead area. I don’t often get flu/cold type of sick, but occasionally get these horrible 1-2 day stomach bugs.
Unsure what exactly caused it, but by check-in time yesterday all I could do was sit and try not to feel nauseous. I literally sat in bed and stared at the wall doing nothing for 5 hours — it was all I could do. I’m finally starting to feel better after 24 hours. Been a not fun day of eating plain bread or plain potatoes. BUT
- It’s soooo much better here in this AirBnb than a shitty motel room. So thankful I’m here while sick
- I needed a day of rest, like actual “not leaving the house or couch” type of rest
With the gas furnace chucking out heat, I’ve been reading, writing, and going on short walks as I’ve felt better. And to be honest, except my stomach feeling horrible, it’s been really nice. Lead is beautiful and the snow makes it so cozy.
Tomorrow I plan on heading to check out Devils Tower (shortish stop). Really hoping my stomach is back to normal then. I’m about 16 hours from Tahoe, so plan on going to Salt Lake City and then Tahoe with 2 final long drives. Will see what happens!
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