Cabbage Rocks: Part 2

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After getting back from the failed attempt, Bev was insistent in helping me find them. At some point during the potpourri of conversation that every evening seemed to turn into, we managed to stay on task long enough to realize I had the wrong number for Dave ( I had his brothers lol). She found the correct number and I gave him a call.

Dave had company in town, and it’s winter, so no tours. But he offered to show me where they are, roughly. We made plans to meet at 10am the next morning at his house and I’d follow him there.

The next morning I get to Dave’s and we take off — and I mean TAKE OFF. Flying down these country roads, I was struggling to keep up at times (most times). Like chasing Dampe’s ghost in Ocarina of Time, I was barely catching what direction he went. I passed the test though —stopping on a barren stretch of road, we get out of our vehicles.

It turns out this isn’t the “official” entry point to the Cabbage Rocks. Dave explains the fields are private but the adjacent forest is the “back” of the state land. This was just the best spot for him to give me a clear line of sight to where the rocks are. (He gets permission from a friend and enters elsewhere). He explained how I’d get there (hypothetically, if I had permission to cross the fields).

”You’d cross the field, go down into the ravine, down down down, until you get to a creek. Cross the creek, go up a hill and the Cabbage Rocks are up the hill a ways”.

He then points to a cluster of pine trees just barely visible on the horizon.

“That’s where they are.”

The picture on the left is no zoom from where we were standing. Second picture, zooming in, you can see what he’s referring to in the top right. After some chit chat, Dave leaves me to figure out the rest myself. Recognizing the absurdity of the situation (and deciding to feign ignorance if someone saw me cross the field) I set off.

Right away I’m glad I didn’t back out. Larping as a contestant on Alone, I entertained myself filming & taking pictures as I head down. Right away I came across a cool looking old truck. Following Dave’s directions, I just kept going down.

As I got towards the bottom, some animal trails started to pick up, which made for way easier going. The hillside had been a maze of trying to avoid thorns while simultaneously maintaining my direction. Eventually I reached the bottom and found the creek.

This was a totally different vibe from the first attempt. I found myself surrounded by golden grasses and pristine water ways — an ambient flurry of snow being the icing on top. Feeling fully immersed in the beauty, I took my time trying to find a good place to cross the creek.

Regretting not bringing more snacks, I huffed up the second hill. To my surprise I quickly found some signs I could be on the right path. Also found a tree house, and a fun little rock scramble. Didn’t expect to do any climbing!

Before I knew it, the creek seemed impossibly far down. I had passed the GPS pin I estimated the pine trees to be at. At this point it had been a couple hours, so I start reasoning with myself as to how much further I should really go. Then I noticed one pine tree, and another, then a dense cluster and I knew I had to be there.

Then I saw some rocks, and more rocks, and they kept getting crazier looking. I couldn’t believe I actually found them!! Slowly a trail picked up, and I realized I really did come in the back way.

I think this last one was the most cabbage-like (?) tbh I didn’t really get the cabbage part. But they were super cool.

Despite being absolutely freezing, I spent almost an hour hanging out up here. There is too much to put in this post, but check the video walking through all of the Cabbage Rocks. Plus there are a ton of videos and more pictures in the album.

It’s a pretty remote area, and even most locals don’t know about it. I can see why now after going after them. Really stoked that I did find them, still buzzing about it several days later. Not having any trails and only some vague information, it was a hell of an adventure!!

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One response to “Cabbage Rocks: Part 2”

  1. Beverly Avatar

    OMG, I still get tingles watching that video and how close you were to that drop off.

    You found the Cabbage Rocks of Choice in JANUARY in Minnesota!

    Beverly, Whispering Winds 😀

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