One of the very first things Beverley suggested I check out was the “the Cabbage Rocks”. She described a series of odd looking rock towers shaped like upside pyramids. Apparently it’s a local secret — there is little information about it online and no official location posted anywhere.
While technically existing on Minnesota state land, the Cabbage Rocks are nestled in a maze of private property. The few bits of info I could find online described starting in a state maintained wildlife area, but eventually having to walk through creek beds, as that circumvents the private property laws. A news article told of a local hiking group advocating for the connection of several smaller trails. These trails pass by Cabbage Rocks. So it seems at least some sort of trail passes by them. Of course I had to find them.
The next morning I asked Bev for details on finding these mysterious geological vegetables. She told a tale of her and “Dave” (the cabbage rock guy) taking 4-wheelers out to see them. I asked where to park so I can hike the same trail and see for myself.
”Oh just park in Choice. The state bought all the land there and made a wildlife management area.”
A little confused, I pushed for a little more detail.
”Just go to Choice, and park there to go find them.”
I tried calling Dave that night to get some more info, but he didn’t answer my call. The blog post had described an impression of a “W” in the terrain, indicating you were at the right spot. I found a place called “Choice Wildlife Management Area”, and maybe there were some W’s?

Armed with virtually no information, I set out that afternoon to see what I could find. Parking next to a giant hill, I set off into the ravine. I quickly found a dried creek bed and started following that. Seemingly going to plan.
It was an odd area. Giant blocks littered the ground looking like rubble from some ancient city. The hillside would occasionally be worn down, revealing the cavernous insides.

Hitting the end of the trail & private property, I ascended up the hillside to circle back to my car and get a better vantage point. What I thought was a second trail quickly dissolved. Knowing I was headed back towards the car anyway, I ignored this and kept on.

That eerie yet slightly entrancing feeling continued to grow as I ascended and descended the steep terrain. The forest continued to grow stranger. A large number of trees had really odd growths on them — or massive mushroom blooms. I also began to notice that almost every rock had some sort of crystal on it.

Most of the rocks were frozen into the ground. Having nothing to pry them out with, I eventually gave up trying to gather any. Blazing my own trail I weaved through the oddities, accepting I was in the wrong spot for the Cabbage Rocks.
Coming across a dead coyote, I start getting seriously spooked (I’m not sure why, but I felt like I shouldn’t take a picture and just kept going). Luckily I’m on the final bluff before the car, almost out of these weird woods. Then something catches my eye — a crystal covered rock way bigger than any other. A couple kicks and it didn’t budge. I keep going.
I find myself unable to get the rock out of my head so I turn around. There has to be something to dig or pry it out with. After repeatedly loosing & re-discovering the rock as I looked for assistance, I said fuck it and started just trying to dig it out with my hands. WOO! I got it! And it’s huge and covered in crystals.
Only steps later I come across another beautiful one, this time just sitting plain as day on the ground, no trouble. Crystals in hand and arriving at the final descent, I reach my car as the sun starts to go down.
I get back and show Bev my findings. To my surprise, she is enamored with the rocks as well, shocked that I found something like this. She explains it’s a special type of quartz called “Druzy Quartz”. Druzy refers to any small crystal that grows over top of an existing rock. They borrow from the host, and thus can be composed of all kinds of different minerals. Large amounts of silica in the region lead to Druzy Quartz, with different colorings based on other minerals present. Only being rinsed off with water, they already sparkle like crazy. I got some supplies to work on cleaning them off over the coming weeks!
Apparently, Druzy quartz healing properties are said to bring relaxation, creativity, and mental clarity. Because of the balance and emotional strengthening it provides, crystal healers recommend setting intentions while meditating with quartz druzy to manifest your desires by sending your dreams out into the universe.
However you don’t need to believe in crystals for these rocks to have meaning. I think anyone can appreciate the metaphors found within the Druzy:
- The shining beautiful exterior started as normal rock
- The crystals aren’t just covering up the normal rock underneath, but infusing with it and transforming it to become something new
- Even after being formed, it takes some effort to get all the dirt off, and really let it shine
Maybe I didn’t find the Cabbage Rocks, but for sure a memorable adventure and great omen for this trip!
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